*** Members Story of the Week ***

Name: Michael Harrington

“This is for some of the new faces joining the box, looking around at all the super-fit people doing strange and difficult exercises and if you’re like me, feeling a bit awkward.

I started in September last year and as you can see from the picture on the left, I was developing the IT worker physique and the wrong side of 100kg. I haven’t really lost a lot of weight, but the pic on the right is me after 10 months of doing the strange exercises.

There’s still loads I don’t know and can’t do but sometimes it takes your other half sending you an old picture to realise how much you’ve changed.

My advice is to really get stuck in and come as much as you can. A huge thanks to RCFR all the nice people there for a life-changing 10 months, I feel about 25 again.”
